Baggage: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey

In the seven months since Joshua Jr was born I have managed to slowly but surely drop my pregnancy weight with only 10 pounds left to lose. I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I’m not gonna lie, I had moments of sheer panic that I’d never be able to lose it all. I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn’t possible for me. Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up. At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body’s needs and trust my instincts. About ten days after Joshua Jr’s birth I got back on the scale to see where I was at and how far I had to go.
I had miraculously dropped about 30 of the 50 pounds. I remember being absolutely dumbfounded and weighing myself two more times to be sure the scale was correct. A few days after that I headed into the doctors for my two week checkup and their scale said the same thing. I had dropped 30 pounds without batting an eye. I kept asking how that could be possible and my doctor just shrugged and said after the 10-15 pounds of baby, placenta, blood and amniotic fluid weight you typically drop post birth the rest must have been excessive water retention. Which made some sense since by the end of my pregnancy my feet had swollen to the size of cantaloupes! The rest of the weight however has not disappeared quite so magically.

We’ve all heard about the gals who tone up and get right back into their skinny jeans weeks after their babies birth but this was not me, nor was I trying for it to be. I have only lost 10 pounds since that first initial drop but that’s ok because I decided from the start that I was going to lovingly but patiently reclaim my pre baby body, and forgive the glorious imperfections that would forever grace my new post baby body. Like the caesarean scar that everyone said would be practically unnoticeable but in my case stretches almost hip to hip. Every once in awhile I look at the scar and wish I could do something to minimize it, then I think to myself that it’s actually kind of a beautiful reminder. This attitude of forgiveness and gentleness is the spirit with which I have embarked on my weight loss journey and it’s made all the difference in the world.
The years of deprivation, counting every single calorie, completely eliminating major food groups and setting unreasonable weight goals are over. None of those things ever really worked for me and only fostered an unhealthy, resentful relationship with my body, an attitude that I do not want to pass on to my daughters. There was something about my pregnancy and post pregnancy body that instilled a sense of body pride in me and a freedom from body shaming that has been such a persistent part of my life for so long. It was the most natural and healthy thing in the world to put on weight during my pregnancy and allowing my body to shed it slowly, gracefully and healthfully feels…good.

Low calorie meals are an important part of losing weight for me. I don’t burn a tremendous amount of calories a week because I’m not into those high impact cardio or weight training classes. So I have to be somewhat mindful of what and how much I’m eating. Again, I don’t go crazy obsessing over it, especially because I was breastfeeding and had to maintain a higher calorie count than I normally would when trying to lose weight to keep my supply up. However that didn’t mean I completely let myself off the hook and gorged on burgers and fries everyday (like I wanted to) but instead made sure I was eating wholesome, nutritious meals with calories that came from healthy ingredients. When I’m working and actively trying to maintain my on screen weight I have the blessing and benefit of healthy, diet meals delivered fresh daily to my front door. However, while I’m off work and home in Utah I have no such luxury and am forced to figure it out for myself while still preparing foods that my family will enjoy.
EatingWell has become one of my favorite go to healthy meal planning sites. They have tons of delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner recipes and each includes all the nutritional info you need to determine your perfect daily calorie intake whether you’re breast feeding or not. They even have weekly meal plans tailored to several different calorie goals. For the sake of ease I’ve been gravitating towards their recipes for overnight oats and smoothies for breakfast and simple soups for lunch. Though they have awesome dinner recipes, I’ve been trying out Hello Fresh, a food delivery service that drops off a box of ingredients and recipes once a week for fresh, healthy meals you can cook in about 30-45 minutes. It saves me meal planning and grocery shopping which is kinda great and they have several different meal options like Fit for those of us looking for lower calorie dinners. So far I’ve really loved it and the food is pretty good. It always takes me longer to prep and prepare than they promise on the recipe card but that could just be me and my OCD style of cooking.
By assembling about four or five overnight oats, throwing together three or so soups at once and making sure my freezer is stocked with frozen fruit I’m able to make my healthy low cal eating relatively painless and easy. Which is kinda exactly what I need it to be if I’m going to stick with it and shed those last 15 pounds!
Some Of My favorite Eating Well Oats Recipes
And Smoothie Recipes
And Soup Recipes

My best weight loss advice is to start every morning by saying out loud a positive mantra of your choice about your body. Mine is “I am easily, with good health, inspiration, grace and gratitude losing weight faster than I can even imagine with harm to none.” Then I say my gratefuls. Thanking my body for it’s perfect health, strength, limberness, vibrancy, youthfulness and beauty. Whether I always believe these things about myself and my body or not, I say them. By saying them out loud with love and gratitude I have found that I not only start to believe them, but my body exhibits what I say and believe. The more I complain about my back hurting, my weight gain, my stiff neck, my sore feet, my ugly thighs, the more those things exhibit themselves. Positive intentions and mantras aren’t magic however. I still have to do the work to achieve the health and vibrancy I desire so once I finish with my positive intentions I set about preparing and eating food that doesn’t have a lot of extra calories or bad fats. I devote no less than 3 days a week to exercise that suits my body type, like yoga and long hikes and I get PLENTY of sleep. At least eight hours a night. Yeah I realize that’s a little hard to believe with a 6 month old and all but it’s the truth. That baby has been sleeping through the night since he was almost three months old, yes I’m bragging but I can’t help myself! I’ll get into how we managed to accomplish that in another post but for now suffice to say that’s it’s 1/3 routine and ritual, 1/3 the baby’s temperament and 1/3 dumb luck.
Anyway, back to my weight loss theories. The difference I’ve found in doing the work with a loving and positive attitude versus an anxious, frustrated and negative one is that the weight really does seem to just fall away with less struggle. There’s an ease to it all that never existed before and instead of weight loss being a terrible, frustrating burden and battle it’s become more of a lifestyle of healthy choices I make to show my body the love it deserves. Now that is an attitude I do want to pass onto my kids!

Hi Katherine. First of all , you look stunning. No I’m not just saying that but it is true although you might see it differently. I don’t like myself either when I look in the mirror, I also need to lose weight ( not baby weight) but also not easy. I will in a moment take a look at those recipes and see if it’s something I can maybe use also. About that scar. Isn’t there a cream for scars. I know here in the Netherlands we have one especially made for scars, made by a plastic surgeon, and it works pretty good. Good luck with the last 10 punds, you can do it. Hugs from the Netherlands. xoxox
August 4, 2017 at 10:24 amI love the positive attitude ideas. It is so true how having positive thoughts change, not only weight loss, but other aspects of ones life. This was the best post (I have read) yet! Thank you for your time in sharing.
August 4, 2017 at 10:41 amThank you for your weight loss post. I am not losing baby fat. Just trying to lose. I have 10 more pounds to go and by eating healthy , swimming and cycling the weight has been coming off easily. It’s a new freedom that I will never give up. Thank you for the recipes !
August 4, 2017 at 10:44 amwell you look stunning after getting back to your PP weight, but everyone dont have enough motivation to hang crooks, this was so disappointing to not lose for months but things finally get toned up, the same happened to me and I found an herbal tonic “mummy magic weight loss tea” of secrets of tea which really turned as life save for me and I lost almost all of my pregnancy weight, what a win.,
November 12, 2017 at 12:05 pmThis is what I needed to read today. From one Katherine to another! I’ve done so well on my post partum weight loss journey but the last week have found myself with negative resentful ‘I’ll never do it what’s the point’ type thoughts.
August 4, 2017 at 10:44 amI will absolutely change this mindset and give gratitude out into the universe for my amazing body and its gift of life in my son. I will be thankful for its shape, power, imperfections and stories it can tell. I too want to be s good example for my children – and I shall!
I happily stumbled upon this blog a few months ago and subscribed- if your ambition is to share body positivity, remind people to live in the moment and encourage healthy, happy life choices then you’re definitely achieving it! It’s inspiring me in my daily life in London, UK.
(p.s – mega happy to hear that I’m not the only one who takes an age to get a Hello Fresh meal on the table!)
August 4, 2017 at 11:03 amWow you look amazing
As always great blog
Love how you take care of your family but most of all how you are taking the time for yourself
This latest blog is really going to help me I had 3 daughters 30,27 & 26 each time I shredded off the weight but when I hit 45 the weight kept creeping up & couldn’t seem to ever lose weight just put it on it turn out my thyroid stopped working right! Much to my dismay the medication alone hasn’t helped take off the weight Getting depressed & tired from draw saying read this book or this website on how to lose weight & diet Grr no help at all! Then following you on Facebook & then you started #thoseheavenlydays Well in short you are my hero Katie
You have helped me so much
A big thank you
Can’t wait to try the cream of cucumber soup

August 4, 2017 at 11:41 amP.S. could zipper up a pair of skinny jean with out holding my breath lol lol
Oh one last thing I still think you should write a cookbook but even beyond that a whole series(lifestyle,interior design,DIY,etc..).
Dr. not draw stupid I phone
August 4, 2017 at 11:45 amyou’re more beautiful when pregnant! gave birth to a very cute and handsome baby <3 May your life be surrounded with happiness, blessed with love and filled with laughter! Love and adore you my Idol <3
August 4, 2017 at 12:22 pmYou look amazing! I love reading your blogs. You’re an inspiration to everyone.
August 4, 2017 at 12:36 pmThank you
I really like the tone you have chosen to take on this blog. There’s no hiding that your goal weight in real life is different then your on-camera weight. And I like that you acknowledge that your baby sleeping through night involves luck. Everything feels very realistic and I think that’s hard to achieve on a celebrity blog, so congrats. I’m 4 month post-partum and just starting to figure out how exercise will fit into this new life that still involves getting up once or twice at night, day care drop offs, washing bottles after work…and being productive at work when I’m dead tired. Exercise and eating healthy was always a part of my pre-baby identity and I look forward to figuring out how to reconnect with that and tailor it to my new identity, post-baby. Meal planning used to be one of my favorite things to do and now it’s like- whatever we have will do, which usually leads to bad choices. Thanks for sharing the meal planning website.
August 4, 2017 at 1:00 pmKatherine, I have followed you as an actor forever and have always loved your spirit but since you started your blog and I’ve been able to get to know you a little better, my admiration and love for you has grown. Your approach to your weightloss is so gentle and kind…as it should be. You inspire women to love themselves as they are and be grateful for what they have and to learn to appreciate life as it evolves. That is how I try to live my life but you seem so peaceful and good at this…you really make it look so simple and easy. You look beautiful in any light Katherine, because the beauty you have inside you is what ALWAYS shines through. Keep being the beautiful spirit that you are and sharing your life with us…only makes my day and makes me love you so much more
August 4, 2017 at 1:08 pmYou look INCREDIBLE! And this is so helpful. Thanks so much for sharing and being vulnerable. I have an 11 month old, so this is very helpful to me!!
August 4, 2017 at 1:18 pmThank you for this wonderful post. First off, you look terrific! Like you I also gained 50 pounds and am struggling to lose the final 10 pounds. I also started pregnancy a bit heavier (Xmas holiday pounds) so really I have 20 to go! Thank you for sharing some great tips and resources to turn to. Much appreciated! Most of all, thank you for your honesty and openness in sharing your personal experience. I’ve been a fan of your acting for ages and am really enjoying getting to know you through your posts.
Good luck with your continued weight loss success. I know we will both reach our goals, it’s just a matter of time.
August 4, 2017 at 1:50 pmWow!!Well done!!A positive attitude is half the battle, before you know it you’ll be back to your pre-baby size and your body will be stronger than you could have imagined!!Get it gurl!!
August 4, 2017 at 2:11 pmYou are beautiful, inside and out, and so very inspiring! As me and my hubs embark on the TTC wagon, I will think of your kind words to yourself and your body and your positivity!
August 4, 2017 at 2:24 pmThank you for the inspiring post about your personal journey with weight loss after a baby. I am touched. My journey has not been too easy going. I struggled with such post partum depression. You are a gift to my heart. Thank you.
August 4, 2017 at 2:32 pmWhat an inspiring look at weight and life!! I have 3 grown daughters myself, as well as Hypothyroidism. I struggled for years with acceptance of my body, I have made peace and it took seeing my daughters acceptance and peace with themselves early on that has helped me do that. They are now 30, 28, and 26. They work out because they like it, eat healthy and are my inspiration. And nothing makes more proud than when they say I made it easy for them because I let them love themselves. I have always admired your sense of family and motherhood and I say keep up the good work! You are amazing!!
August 4, 2017 at 2:43 pmYour approach to life is something I enjoy reading about in that you speak to living a balanced life with realistic day to day chores and long term journey ideas. Thanks for sharing your thoughts in your blog and taking us along with you as you travel :).
August 4, 2017 at 2:48 pmKatherine thank you so much!
August 4, 2017 at 3:10 pmAfter I, honestly, stopped the tears am able to write this note.
You are beautiful inside and out, you inspire and make me laugh. You are an amazing person.
Great writer too!
Thanks for the honest post! I too am post pardum(6mo), and am just now really moving towards losing the weight. I gained 35 lbs with my twins, but had gained 20 prior with ivf. I have 30 total to go, and am weening from breast feeding, so I know I can focus on reduced calories. The breast feeding hunger is NO JOKE! I will definitely try your overnight oats recipes. I am a barre/spin gal and am getting in 3x a week, but not going to see much movement until I focus on the calorie reduction. Please continue to share your tips for the new moms. It just makes us all feel more normal and not alone!
August 4, 2017 at 4:18 pmHello !! You are perfect with the weight .. I have two children, 4 and 6 years and still can not reach my weight! And I also had two cesareans and you can see the scar But I feel proud.. And you did not have any stretch marks, I was left .. think some of us are worse haha. Congratulations, you’re a great woman!
August 4, 2017 at 5:04 pmKatherine, thank you so much for blogging! You inspire me at 25 years of age (wanted to let you know you inspire all ages). I look up to women who are real, amazing moms (my husband and I don’t have kids yet), love to cook and work out. I share/talk about your blog all the time to my husband and friends. I love to hear your wisdom about all these categories! I have been worried about what my weight will look like once we have a baby. Your encouragement helped a lot. I especially love the recipes you posted, and will definitely try the celery soup- I’m a huge fan of soup even in the summer. By the way, I love your work out clothes and would love to know where you shop! Keep blogging and thank you!
August 4, 2017 at 6:19 pmYou look absolutely amazing! A true inspiration to many! Love you and your blogs!
August 4, 2017 at 8:53 pmThis is a great post! Thank you for the positive attitude. Just what I needed today to motivate myself to lose weight, exercise and have a great positive attitude.
August 5, 2017 at 5:22 pmGreat blog .. love your writing style, so refreshing and honest. It’s a good day seeing your posts. You have wonderful spirit energy!
August 6, 2017 at 12:36 amI need your help ! you read me?
August 7, 2017 at 1:00 amYou look great!
August 8, 2017 at 12:15 amHi from Brazil! Thank you for sharing this beautiful post!! So true about your mantra and how this is important for our brain! Keep doing it!
August 8, 2017 at 12:18 amThanks for sharing your story, I think that of my ‘hardly noticeable’ scar too much bigger than I ever thought thanks to a big breech baby that didn’t want anyone grabbing his tooshie ! It’s great to read about your progress again thanks for sharing xx
August 8, 2017 at 12:24 amHey well, I never been pregnant or dont have children yet but I do love the raspberry smoothie I am definitely trying that! You always look beautiful even before you had josh Jr you look great pregnant I love that picture the day of the delivery too! But I love your losing weight ideas I always keep ideas and recipes in mind thank you for this post and still want to see a post about quilting too. Keep up the good work too!
Liz Morris, Rhode Island
August 8, 2017 at 12:24 amKatherine, you are SO REFRESHING and inspiring. I’ve been wrestling with an extra 15-20lbs since my c-section 2 months ago (am also breastfeeding and am convinced that is part of it!) and I NEEDED to hear this. So grateful for you! Please never stop being real… your life and message is a testimony… I so wish we could have coffee one day, haha!
August 8, 2017 at 1:01 amHi Katherine!
August 8, 2017 at 1:04 amYou are so beautiful!! You are doing so great with this! Slow and steady wins the race. You inspire me to lose weight and eat healthy. I also loved you in Greys Anatomy and all of your movies. You are so filled with talent. Ive heard about you adopting your 3 kids and that is amazing! I don’t see any flaws in you except that you left Greys Anatomy
You look fabulous no matter what! Losing weight is a chore, definitely, and I’m on the same kind of journey (without having had a baby!) where I’m just gently moving my body towards a healthier goal. More working out (back to running, yay! I actually LOVE running) and yoga with our girl Adriene as well as more walking.
August 8, 2017 at 10:29 amKeep us updated with more recipes – love the ones you’ve shared! <3
My baby is six months old. I too have been trying to shed my baby weight. It has been quite discouraging at times and I have experienced body shame. Thank you so much for encouraging me to speak more kindly to myself.
August 8, 2017 at 4:38 pmYou look amazing… I am a huge fan, always have been. But today, i am 10 times more in love with you your method is so inspiring, most importantly the positive attitude. Thank you so much for sharing this.
August 8, 2017 at 10:13 pmI have been struggling with weight loss for years now, and i wish following your attitude will finally do it for me. I’ll try to be kinder to myself and my body, and try taking it easy and stress-less.
I hope u reach your target sooner than you think, even though I think u look gorgeous already
first of all, you look fantastic. Your realistic and gentle attitude towards exercise and diet is so refreshing to see from a celebrity. I too lost about 32 of my 55 pounds of water weight after my daughter’s birth (maybe it’s being tall?) Thought it was going to be a breeze to lose the rest if 32 came off so fast. Well Maggie is 18 months and I’m still holding onto the last 5. But I’m walking with the stroller every day and eating reasonably, so I’ve decided if that last 5 lbs means I can have a martini with the hubby or an ice cream with my toddler, I’ll keep it! Thanks for the inspiration.
August 8, 2017 at 11:58 pmGirl, you look great. I love your theory on making losing weight positive and accepting your flaws as they are. Until this year, this was very difficult for me to do. As I have started to live a more healthy lifestyle, it has just become apart of my life and it’s almost impossible not to be positive about it. Also, living in Utah makes it easier to be healthy because there are so many outdoor activities! I’ve been getting into biking this summer and it has really changed the game for me. I enjoy hikes as well, but I do love those high cardio workouts. Anyways, thank you so much for sharing! Love the beautiful Utah views in your photos. I’m just on the other side of the mountain from you in PC!
August 10, 2017 at 2:51 pmI am totally hooked on your “positive mantra” every morning. You have just given me the boost that I needed to get my journey back on track! I started a blog over a year ago, not a weight loss blog (there’s already tons of those) but more of a journey. Hence the name Plan the journey I find that I am constantly learning. Now, thanks to your blog, I now have another resource to turn to when at 10pm I start thinking that grabbing a bag of chips can’t really hurt my progress. Oh and to echo previous comments, you look absolutely stunning!
August 10, 2017 at 4:44 pmAll losing weight is burning more calories than you intake in a day. I don’t know how long that will take everyone to understand. There are great dieting tips to stay healthy and lose weight. Exercise is best to help lose weight faster since you will be burning more calories than without it. Anyhow, there are many people who have no time for proper exercise and they still want to lose their extra weight like you, so there is an organic herbal tea supplement called “Mummy magic weight loss tea” that is preservative-free and maintains your metabolism while shedding extra pounds. Drink it three times before your meals and you’ll start seeing results within a month.
August 10, 2017 at 6:40 pmBut you are beautiful inside and out regardless of what you look like (or think you look like) – wonderfully gorgeous. No one can take that away from you. I’m still not over the fact that State of Affairs was canned – one of your best TV series EVER. Be yourself and love your perfect self, as you are perfect
August 11, 2017 at 5:08 amHello, You look absolutely stunning! I love your grace and love for life and the journey! Thank you for this post. I am new here and looking forward to reading up on everything and the entries to come! Live life in abundance!
August 12, 2017 at 6:08 pmThank you for your willingness to be vulnerable on your journey with us. I personally struggled with an eating disorder that I overcame instantly when I found out I was expecting my oldest. What is truly terrifying is that she alarmist died because I was unwilling to have a c-section because I was so afraid my stomach would never be flat again. She was fine, thank goodness, but I still feel panicky guilt over it, even though she is 7 now. I fought hard and grinded it out to lose the baby weight and I did it in 6 months. Then I was more gentle with myself after my second daughter was born, partially because I had to be due to pelvic floor damage during her delivery. After the first few sleep deprived months, I started to gently lose the weight. With my son, I had a c-section because my pelvic floor gives me so much trouble and guess what. My stomach isn’t flat again, even after two years. I have 5 lbs left to go to get back to 130 (5’10”) but I have also adopted body-loving mantras and if 135 is the new, healthy me, then so be it. I love your heart and your spirit. Thank you for sharing your soul with us.
August 12, 2017 at 8:02 pmYour idea about a positive mantra is so important. Everyone’s experiences will differ when it comes to losing weight. Someone could be following your diet and exercise regimen to a T and not experience the weight loss as quickly or the same amount of weight (loss) as you. The upbeat mantra will enable those ladies to see that their bodies respond differently. Ms. Heigl, you are such a powerful force for positivity despite what I know is a fair amount of negative press that you receive. We who really see you will never believe that bunk. You glow girl!
August 12, 2017 at 9:02 pmYou look fantastic! I was told I most likely couldn’t have children. I was blessed with 2 miracles! Having 2 c sections and multiple other surgeries I definitely have scars! I’ve always been fortunate being on the thin side even now at 38, however with my second pregnancy I gained a lot of weight. It took some time to loose it but I figured god gave me a miracle so I took it a month at a time. Your scar will get smaller over time. All moms have some type of scars and we should all wear them proudly!
August 15, 2017 at 12:22 amEvery time I see you, you’re looking more fabulous! Your family is so beautiful. I always enjoy reading your blogs about what you’re doing & the scenery of the beautiful mountains surround your haven. My son & DIL are expecting twins, they will be C-section & she’s done great carrying them to 32 weeks now. Going for 34 as the babies now are 5#s each. A boy & a girl! A bit of a shock to all of us. Being first time grandparents I remember reading about the Owl… Going to get that for the twins when they arrive. As they are going to have their hands full & we want them to have that bonding time with the babies. At 64 being a 1st time grandmother makes you remember where did 30 years go, as I was 34 when I had my 2nd child. Thanks for all the products you post, I always enjoy trying new things & seeing what you are up to & have no idea how you do it all. God Bless You & your beautiful family!!
August 21, 2017 at 6:03 amHonestly, you and I were made to be best friends! ahahah that are so many things that I relate to you!!! I love you!
August 26, 2017 at 1:32 amI used dermalmd stretch mark serum for my postpartum stretch marks that were not only deep but bright red. I did not have stretch marks before my pregnancy. I put dermalmd serum on maybe once a week and my stretch marks have gone from bright red to white/transparent and not nearly as deep as they were. Its natural and safe to use, which I appreciate bc I’m breastfeeding. It smells like natural! Lol it goes a long way, I havent even gone through the first jar yet and I was seeing results as early as 3 weeks after I began using it. I have recommended dermalmd serum to several people who have stretch marks
September 18, 2017 at 5:56 pmHi Katherine!
October 8, 2017 at 12:28 amI’m so glad I found your blog! I randomly was signing up for best group and found the story on your post partum weight loss journey. I too have a sweet baby girl who is almost 10 weeks old. I gained 35 pounds during pregnancy. The first 15 fell off within a few weeks. I’ve been struggling with my last 20 pounds and honestly haven’t been too kind to myself. Your daily positive mantra speaks to me. Starting today I’ll be kinder to myself. I also have a large cesarean scar. It’s not so much the scar that bothers me, but the lip of fat that rolls over it! Haha. I’m a park ranger at Grand Canyon and have always taken pride in being healthy and in shape. Since my daughter was 3 weeks old I’ve been walking almost every day during her morning nap. Oh the places she’s gone while sleeping! I’ve worked up to 4-7 miles a day along the rim and through the forest. But not a pound is budging! I’m so frustrated. Your story gives me hope. Please keep writing and sharing ideas, recipes, and hope! Even though you’ve always been drop dead gorgeous and don’t look like you ever had 3 children I feel I can relate to your journey. I can’t wait to try some of the recipes. I look forward to the day I can look in the mirror again and like what I see.
This is such an amazing post and so encouraging. Thank you so much for this! And you look amazing. Keep up the good work. A little story of my life how I managed to lose weight after giving birth, just would like to share since I know it is a tough journey. I, myself have been struggling with losing weight and gain confidence again, however nothing I tried worked. And I know how stressful it can get at times, when you look in the mirror and just cant seem to love yourself. However, I found the courage in me and decided do something about it. And it worked, even these days I keep on eating what I want and still lose weight. The secret has been in balancing the sport and nutrition, and what really worked for me I know worked for thousands of other people that are seeking for help. I would love to share with you my knowledge on this and dropping the link here, so you can start losing weight immediately. It is a 3 week diet plan, which works great
January 4, 2018 at 4:21 pmYou look great! Thanks for being so honest. I agree with you that a loving an positive attitude will get you so much farther in your weight loss journey. After I had my second child I could not get the weight off , so I incorporated detoxing into my routine and it did wonders for me. You can check it out here if you like
January 14, 2018 at 3:48 amTruly awesome Katherine! It is devastatingly hard to lose my baby weight! I tried for years and just ended up frustrated and depressed. But after a year and a half I have finale managed to get back down to were I started. My 45 lbs of baby weight was the only part of being pregnant i wish i could change. Walking every day( about a mile not to much), cutting out all sweets and candy( except ice cream once MAYBE twice a week), and as much organic and clean eating as possible was what finally worked for me. My biggest problem was just consistency, I just didn’t know how to keep my self on track. This was one thing that relay helped me focus. It gave me a kind of mantra to live by and relay helped me stay focused on the end game and keep me from getting so discouraged.
January 24, 2018 at 5:24 pmBreastfeeding helps in weight reduction, however no longer for each person. It will absolutely aid lose plenty of weight within the first 4-6 weeks, however, a few moms wrestle wasting the final a few lbs even as breastfeeding. Mummy magic weight loss tea is a great home remedy to lose baby weight without hurting breast milk supply!
February 11, 2018 at 9:48 pmWow, you look amazing Katherine! Woops, I have to be careful flirting, here comes my wife
February 16, 2018 at 7:41 pmIt’s about getting moving yes! It is a total mental battle to finally break through and be successful in weight loss no doubt, but I have found an ally that will speed up our results fast, give yourself a fighting chance here –
Interesting to see you look fit and healthy. Exercise is the key here.
February 19, 2018 at 2:27 amHi Katherine!! You are amazing!! While I have never had a baby, I imagine how very difficult it would be to lose weight especially with the beautiful new addition to the family and all the responsibility that follows. It really does pay to be prepared for all to come and I really appreciate you sharing this with us! May I ask, what were your top weight loss habbits beyond the regular hike, as far as meals? Did you have any interesting cravings that may have offset everything? You look fantastic and just want to say I am always looking forward to your work, on screen and beyond!
March 9, 2018 at 12:19 pmwow! you look so fabolous! I wasn’t look so good before the pregnancy! Everything you wrote is so inspiring. I’m following The Just Cut It Methos by Jennifer Morris. From the calculation of my BMI and BMR, losing my 25 lbs should last at least 3 months. I’m after the first one, and the initial results were astonishing, but now it will be harder. I’m not a sporty person, so don’t know if I start something other activity than long walks with my baby…
January 30, 2019 at 7:38 pmHi Katherine
I love your story! You have a strong will power and good commitment which will be inspiring to many people.
July 25, 2019 at 1:45 pm