New Years Resolutions

I haven’t done New Year’s resolutions in years. In my mid twenties I decided they were chock full of added pressure to be perfect and I was already plagued with plenty of perfectionist anxiety. This year however, I changed my mind. There was something calling me to put down in writing just a handful of things I’d like to resolve to do. This isn’t a “go big or go home” kind of resolution list. It is a quieter, subtler one that I truly believe I can achieve. It is a list of five things I resolve to do, not want to do or hope to do or intend to do. I resolve to do…I will do, because I actually can.Continue Reading

Artisan Picks: September 2017

Belinism Ceramic Hanging Pots
Ceramic hanging pots © Belinism
I don’t know about you but I love anything and everything small batch and hand crafted. There’s just something so great about stumbling upon an exquisitely crafted artisanal find, snatching it up and then marveling in it’s specialness each time a friend or family member asks where you got it. I’m such an artisan junkie that I’ve managed to curate a pretty significant list of wonderful that I thought I’d share with you. With the holiday’s approaching I think the timing couldn’t be better. Here’s hoping you find something fantastic for everyone on your list, but most importantly, I hope you find something extra special for you!Continue Reading