
Everything Under The Sun For Summer

Adalaide, Naleigh and Katherine Heigl on the beach in swimwear
I became aware of Poppys Collection after purchasing this totally adorable and durable sweat suit for Little Man from a pop up in my local promenade here in Toronto. The lady helping me in the pop up encouraged me to check out their website for more fabulous kid finds and once I did, I fell totally and completely in love with their curated list of wonderfulness. So I asked if they’d be willing to be a guest editor this month and share some wonderfulness with all of you! I just love the uniqueness of the collection and that everything is lovingly crafted by true artisans (you should all know how I feel about artisans by now!) It brings me so much joy to support small businesses, especially ones run by moms.  On top of all the good feels, I’m also getting handcrafted, unique and beautiful products to spoil my kiddos with. It’s truly a win/win.Continue Reading

My Favorite Baby Finds: Part 2

Here’s the second extensive list of new baby must haves. Joshua Jr. is no longer a new baby, well relatively speaking, so most of this we’re not using anymore but boy was it great when we did need it! My next list will include everything my big boy is into now. Stay tuned.Continue Reading

My Favorite Baby Finds: Part 1

Joshua Jr. celebrating his first birthday with cake
I love baby stuff…I mean I really, really love it. When Josh and I were expecting Naleigh I spent months researching everything from the best diaper wipes to the safest car seats and I was no different with Adalaide or Joshua Jr. There’s just something about spending hours online perusing everything baby that amps up the excitement for and soothes some of the anxieties about your little ones arrival. At least it does for me! For those of you who would rather not spend the wee hours of the night online comparing baby wipes and car seats I’ve decided to share my favorite must haves with you. Hopefully my extensive list will save you time you may not have and worry you can not spare. Enjoy!Continue Reading

Artisan Picks: September 2017

Belinism Ceramic Hanging Pots
Ceramic hanging pots © Belinism
I don’t know about you but I love anything and everything small batch and hand crafted. There’s just something so great about stumbling upon an exquisitely crafted artisanal find, snatching it up and then marveling in it’s specialness each time a friend or family member asks where you got it. I’m such an artisan junkie that I’ve managed to curate a pretty significant list of wonderful that I thought I’d share with you. With the holiday’s approaching I think the timing couldn’t be better. Here’s hoping you find something fantastic for everyone on your list, but most importantly, I hope you find something extra special for you!Continue Reading