
New Years Resolutions

I haven’t done New Year’s resolutions in years. In my mid twenties I decided they were chock full of added pressure to be perfect and I was already plagued with plenty of perfectionist anxiety. This year however, I changed my mind. There was something calling me to put down in writing just a handful of things I’d like to resolve to do. This isn’t a “go big or go home” kind of resolution list. It is a quieter, subtler one that I truly believe I can achieve. It is a list of five things I resolve to do, not want to do or hope to do or intend to do. I resolve to do…I will do, because I actually can.Continue Reading

Sacred Spaces

In the last couple of years I have made a conscious effort to find ways of connecting with myself, the heavens, and the universe around me, so that I might be more present in my life. Things got a little crazy there for a minute with all the giant life decisions I was making and the day to day responsibilities that were piling up. Like getting married, starting a family, building a home and the ups and downs of a career I’ve been building since I was eight years old.Continue Reading