

Katherine Heigl
Dear Friends,

Right now, in my life, it is a time of transition. I have spent the last year and a half blissfully, and yes, sometimes painfully, embracing my domesticity and motherhood. However the time has come to go back to work which means my life, my time and my purpose will shift and compromises will have to be made. I will not always be there to kiss my girls goodnight or put the baby down. I will miss end of year school plays, choir concerts and even a birthday. I will not be there the day Joshua Jr. gains solid footing and toddles across the room for the first time. It goes without saying that the missing is hard. On me and my kids. I will not tell you it’s always worth it, it’s not, but it is the choice I made the day I welcomed my first baby into my heart. I chose to be a mother and I chose to continue to work. Truthfully, working and earning isn’t really an option. The choice is in how I decide to do that and the reality is, I’ve been acting since I was eleven years old. I have put in my 10,000 hours and it’s what I know and do best. Part of me would love to retire from the screen and be a mommy blogger who works from home. Though I imagine that is not without it’s trials and tribulations! Another part of me would be devastated to give up performing and storytelling. The old adage “Women can have it all” is a half truth that kind of pisses me off really. You may, as a woman, be able to have a successful career and a family but you are always, always compromising one for the other. I guess you can call it having it all, you just can’t have it all at once.Continue Reading

Hourglass Underground

I even ordered a couple of well fitting supportive nursing bras from Jenette.
They not only fit beautifully and made access a breeze but they made me feel beautiful too which is a real blessing to a new mom!
You might not know this, but I’m very serious about my bras! I kind of have to be. When I was a VERY underdeveloped 14 year old I actually prayed…and even fasted for a bigger bosom. Fearing prayer and fasting would not be enough I also cut out photos of Victoria’s Secret models from my mother’s catalog and pasted them into my diary with handwritten pleas for at least a B cup by summer to fill out a cute bikini. When I hear talk of intention work and the power of manifestation I always think back to my first experience doing both. Not only did I end up with a B cup by that summer, by the following I was well on my way to the DD cup I ended up with. I mean if that doesn’t make you an intention setting believer I don’t know what will. A word to the wise though. Make sure you’re very specific when setting those intentions. I forgot to mention that I’d like to skip the hips and ass of the well endowed. I also forgot to mention perky…ah well, can’t have it all right?

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The Great Escape: My 2 Day Getaway To Jackson Hole WY

Jackson Hole WY
As I write this I am sitting in a pretty little brunch spot called Persephone in downtown Jackson Hole WY…by myself…all alone…so so alone…and it’s amazing! I mean I’m not totally alone, I’m surrounded by all the other patrons. There are quite a few of them, this being a busy September weekend in Jackson. Yet despite the throngs of humanity that surround me, I am alone. Alone meaning, no husband, no kids, no companion of any kind. Just me, my chai latte and my brioche. I can’t even remember the last time I ventured into the world on my own. I haven’t sat in a cafe by myself since…I truly can’t even remember. I’m not gonna lie, it was a little unnerving at first. I was a bit hesitant to head out the door, but now that I’m here well…I feel a perfect and quiet contentment. I am free to do whatever I please in this moment. I could just sit here and stare out the window for awhile. I can write this post with total absorption for as long as the place stays open. I could eat two more of these amazing brioches and drink six more chai lattes. I have no dishes screaming at me to be washed, no children interrupting me every two seconds, no dogs to feed, no house to tidy. I am footloose and fancy free for this one afternoon in Jackson and it is just what my body, mind and soul needed. A chance to sit and breath. To indulge my own needs and desires and creativity in a beautiful place just far enough away from all the demands of my day to day life.Continue Reading

Sacred Spaces

In the last couple of years I have made a conscious effort to find ways of connecting with myself, the heavens, and the universe around me, so that I might be more present in my life. Things got a little crazy there for a minute with all the giant life decisions I was making and the day to day responsibilities that were piling up. Like getting married, starting a family, building a home and the ups and downs of a career I’ve been building since I was eight years old.Continue Reading