
WeeSchool Baby Development App

I admit it. I’ve been struggling lately to create, write, edit, photograph, and publish content for Those Heavenly Days while working on Suits, and trying to parent four kids and take care of my home. The blog has taken a bit of a back seat this last month, and that makes me sad. You guys mean the world to me. I savor our connection and hate to let you down by going quiet for too long. So please know that my heart’s with you, even when a new blog post seems a bit overdue.

In all the joyful, slightly controlled chaos that is my life, heavenly days sometimes come along quite unexpectedly. The family takes a spontaneous hike, a long-ago friend pops up, I find the perfect antique at a flea market, the kids are happy just hanging together at home on a rainy day. The girls love reading and crafting, and now… Mr. Man is old enough to get busy with his own projects!Continue Reading

Hideaway Place Space

The girls discovered a perfect hideaway spot in our rental in Toronto where they can sit and read, draw or journal all while feeling hidden away in their own special girl cave. I figured as long as they were truly enjoying it and using it often I’d spruce it up for them and make it a bit cozier and a little prettier. It was a super simple and inexpensive project that made me a hero for a day. If you have a little nook type space that goes virtually unused in your own home I encourage you to turn it into a hideaway for your little ones and be their hero…if only for an afternoon!Continue Reading


Katherine Heigl
Dear Friends,

Right now, in my life, it is a time of transition. I have spent the last year and a half blissfully, and yes, sometimes painfully, embracing my domesticity and motherhood. However the time has come to go back to work which means my life, my time and my purpose will shift and compromises will have to be made. I will not always be there to kiss my girls goodnight or put the baby down. I will miss end of year school plays, choir concerts and even a birthday. I will not be there the day Joshua Jr. gains solid footing and toddles across the room for the first time. It goes without saying that the missing is hard. On me and my kids. I will not tell you it’s always worth it, it’s not, but it is the choice I made the day I welcomed my first baby into my heart. I chose to be a mother and I chose to continue to work. Truthfully, working and earning isn’t really an option. The choice is in how I decide to do that and the reality is, I’ve been acting since I was eleven years old. I have put in my 10,000 hours and it’s what I know and do best. Part of me would love to retire from the screen and be a mommy blogger who works from home. Though I imagine that is not without it’s trials and tribulations! Another part of me would be devastated to give up performing and storytelling. The old adage “Women can have it all” is a half truth that kind of pisses me off really. You may, as a woman, be able to have a successful career and a family but you are always, always compromising one for the other. I guess you can call it having it all, you just can’t have it all at once.Continue Reading

Sacred Spaces

In the last couple of years I have made a conscious effort to find ways of connecting with myself, the heavens, and the universe around me, so that I might be more present in my life. Things got a little crazy there for a minute with all the giant life decisions I was making and the day to day responsibilities that were piling up. Like getting married, starting a family, building a home and the ups and downs of a career I’ve been building since I was eight years old.Continue Reading