
New Years Resolutions

I haven’t done New Year’s resolutions in years. In my mid twenties I decided they were chock full of added pressure to be perfect and I was already plagued with plenty of perfectionist anxiety. This year however, I changed my mind. There was something calling me to put down in writing just a handful of things I’d like to resolve to do. This isn’t a “go big or go home” kind of resolution list. It is a quieter, subtler one that I truly believe I can achieve. It is a list of five things I resolve to do, not want to do or hope to do or intend to do. I resolve to do…I will do, because I actually can.Continue Reading

Baggage: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey

In the seven months since Joshua Jr was born I have managed to slowly but surely drop my pregnancy weight with only 10 pounds left to lose. I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I’m not gonna lie, I had moments of sheer panic that I’d never be able to lose it all. I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn’t possible for me. Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up. At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body’s needs and trust my instincts. About ten days after Joshua Jr’s birth I got back on the scale to see where I was at and how far I had to go.Continue Reading

Resetting The Compass

Katherine Heigl Enjoying Time In The Pool On Vacation In Mexico

This time last year I went on the most glorious family vacation to Mexico. It had been at least four years since my last vacation and I was dying to treat myself and my family to a sunny, sandy getaway!

We rented a beautiful private home where we were waited on hand and foot, pampered beyond belief and fed incredible meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It was extravagant for sure, and my family and I could not have been more grateful for the experience. Though the food was out of this world, the drinks always flowing and the company wonderful, the most important thing I took away from our week long sun soaked time was a new found love and appreciation for yoga, and an eye opening understanding of the power of intentions.

Yeah I know… sounds a little like new agey, pseudo spiritual, mystical bullshit. It did to me too, for most of my life really. Certainly my adult life that is, though even as a kid I shuddered at such expressions as "I’m more spiritual than religious" or "You just have to tap into the Universe man! Everything happens for a reason". So my new found love and respect for yoga, meditation and intention work is out of character for me.Continue Reading