
July 4th 2017

July 4th Feast
I wasn’t able to get this post together in time to help inspire party plans for those of you celebrating the 4th of July this year, but decided it’s never too late to share the pictures, ideas and recipes of a successful celebration! Continue Reading

DIY Baby Food

Adalaide feeding Joshua Jr.
I started making my own baby food with Adalaide and not only loved knowing exactly what was going in to the food that I was feeding my baby but kinda enjoyed experimenting with combinations of fruits, veggies and grains to see what she liked best. Adalaide has been a picky eater from the moment she started eating solids so she wasn’t really my best customer. To this day if I put a bowl of delicious homemade mac and cheese in front of her she’ll lean over and smell the bowl before taking a hesitant bite. As if she’s afraid I’ve slipped something unsavory in there! Maybe my baby food experimentation scarred her for life…or maybe she’s just a REALLY picky eater! Anyway, I’ve pulled my blender back out to start making Joshua Jr’s food now that he’s ready for solids and am so relieved with how much easier he is to please! I gotta say it really takes the pressure off!Continue Reading

Family Friendly Smoothies

To be totally honest I’ve had a love/hate relationship with smoothies for years now. I love the idea of them, but hate that an hour after I’ve downed one I’m starving again. Then there was the summer that I thought I would easily drop a few extra pounds by using my Ninja blender to whip up a smoothie every morning for breakfast, but I wasn’t following any particular recipe for low cal options and didn’t realize that adding a cup of cashews, almonds or walnuts was jacking up the calorie count on the smoothie to well over a thousand. Yeah, I actually put weight on that summer. But when the warm weather rolls around I find myself craving their cool, silky deliciousness, and so do my girls. With a determined heart I set about searching for a few satisfying, low cal, easy recipes and low and behold, I found em! So I guess smoothies and I are officially back together…for the summer at least.Continue Reading

What Came First?

Katherine Heigl collecting eggs from the chicken coop on her ranch
Growing up my mother created a tradition of omelets for dinner. I’m sure it was to give herself a night off from the more complicated gourmet dinners she usually made, though the omelets tasted pretty damn gourmet too. I loved it because it felt a bit wild – breakfast for dinner? Crazy! Yeah, I realize I wasn’t really living on the edge as a kid, but whatever, it was cool to me! So in keeping with tradition and my need for an easy, quick fix meal option, I’ve implemented the omelet for dinner night at the Kelley house. Wild, I know! Continue Reading