
My Quest For The Perfect Bolognese!

Spaghetti Bolognese Ingredients

Do you ever play that game where you ask a friend or family member what they would want served for their last meal? Well, my answer to that question has consistently been Spaghetti Bolognese! It is my all time favorite comfort food and when I get the hankering for a big steaming bowl of it I break out the pots and pans and get to cooking. I always have the ingredients I need stocked up because I never know when the craving will hit and it’s one I simply can’t deny!

Over the years I’ve experimented with several different recipes and even been a bit creative on my own, as I try to find the exact right combination of ingredients that will blend together seamlessly in my version of the perfect meat sauce. Traditional Bolognese is incredibly simple, taking very little prep time and using only a handful of ingredients. I, however, like to get a little (very) creative with my sauce. Sorry in advance to all the Italians out there who might be horrified by my experimentations, but they do say that taste is subjective right?

I’ve borrowed ideas from different recipes I’ve tried and included some of my own, to create the heartiest, thickest, most savory version of my idea of the perfect bolognese sauce!Continue Reading

Apples, Apples, Apples!

Apples, Apples, Apples!

I decided to do an apple themed dinner last night to bid a fond farewell to Fall! Winter is sneaking in under the door frames and soon it will be all stews, soups and chilies to ward off the chill! But tonight it’s all about those apples!

My favorite to eat and cook with are Gala, but really it’s all about your preference and there are as many apple varieties as there are palates to enjoy them! So do a little taste test and pick your favorite – just be sure that whichever variety you choose will cook well. Some apples really are just for eating as is!Continue Reading