
Enter If You Dare…

Adalaide outside the spooky entryway

So I may have mentioned this already but my time has been spread pretty thin these days. Although I have wishes and dreams and desires to do all the creative things that inspire me and get my juices flowing it’s just not possible unless I’m willing to risk a total mental breakdown! Decorating my entire house for Halloween, throwing a big party with tons of friends and even turning the back half of the house into a haunted one all crossed my mind this fall, but then I slapped myself right across the face and got real. There was no way I was going to be able to pull off such ambitious endeavors  while doing everything else on my “Get it the Hell Done” list. So, I scaled back my over achieving expectations and decided to bring it down a notch. I realized I could still bring in a touch of that spooky Halloween spirit but in a smaller, more manageable, just as fun way. OK maybe not just as fun as turning my place into a haunted house, but fun enough!

Glitter skulls, pumpkins and spiders

I decided to start with the front door and go from there. I figured that the time and supplies I’d need to decorate the entryway were minimal, perfect for someone with little of both. I have a ton of gorgeous glitter skulls and bones I made years ago that I knew would add just the right amount of Halloween pizzazz to the space so I used them as the basis for my design. The door was definitely in need of a wreath but unfortunately I waited a little too last minute to buy the one I wanted from Etsy, so I decided to throw something together myself. If I had been thinking clearly (rarely am) I would have purchased one of these gorgeous wreaths at the end of August so I would have had it in plenty of time to enjoy all fall, but alas, that ship did sail. Instead I hit up Michaels and bought a few supplies to create my own. Yeah, maybe I was pushing the envelope a bit by choosing to make it myself, but really, it was incredibly easy, super fun and was done in an hour. Right next door to Michaels is the World Market so I of course had to pop in there to see what I could add to my Halloween decor. A bag full of purchases later I was well on my way to having  the perfect spooky entryway.

Katherine Heigl making her Halloween wreath
Katherine Heigl making her Halloween wreath
Katherine Heigl making her Halloween wreath
Katherine Heigl making her Halloween wreath
Katherine Heigl making her Halloween wreath

I loved the idea of keeping the colors of my decorations all in the same family and gravitated towards gray, green, cream and black when designing my wreath. So in keeping with those colors I purchased a bunch of beautiful heirloom pumpkins in that amazing grayish green we’ve been seeing so much of lately and soft creamy whites. They suited the faux florals I purchased more perfectly than I could have imagined. I ended up buying a few more skulls to glitter since some of the ones I had done years ago weren’t really jiving with my color scheme. Thankfully the skulls are such an easy and quick project I was able to squeeze them in right after I finished the wreath. I added a bunch of black and silver glitter skulls to the green ones I already had but I wish I had done some in white and cream glitter too. I got distracted by the bolder colors but I think white would look amazing as well! I may just do a few more if I can find the time this weekend.

I had bought a bunch of ravens from Michaels and thought they’d look perfectly creepy gathered around some old bones. I didn’t have time to glitter another batch (the bones take a bit longer than the skulls) so I ended up using the beautiful red ones I already had. I kind of love the pop of color they add to the macabre tableau. Adalaide has an unusual fascination with everything creepy crawly and wanted me to use the bag of spiders and mice she found in my bin of Halloween stuff. I have to admit, she was spot on! They add just the right amount of disturbing creepiness to the scene. I piled a bunch of smaller skulls into lanterns I purchased from World Market and added electric candles to help bring the glittery sparkle of the skulls to life. While at World Market I couldn’t resist snatching up a few of their animal skeletons which Josh felt compelled to arrange in a familiar scene of cat and dog drama around the chair. I added a couple of glittery pumpkins I found at Michael’s, a cozy throw blanket in the perfect gray and a few more candles.

All in all the whole project took me about three hours total from purchasing the supplies, crafting the wreath, glittering a few extra skulls and setting it all up. I’m so glad I decided to do it if for no other reason than the delicious glee and joyful shrieks of my girls when they came home from school to find their front door transformed into a spooky, creepy, crawly scene of dread!

The Wreath

Completed spooky Halloween wreath
Spooky wreath with spiders, skeletons, mice and ravens
Spooky wreath with creepy crawlies and ravens
Spooky wreath with creepy crawlies
Spooky wreath with creepy crawlies and skeletons

The Decor

Skulls, mice, spiders and pumpkins
Spiders, glitter skulls, candles, mice and pumpkins
Cat and dog skeletons, pumpkins, spiders and skulls
Ravens, skulls and bones
Spiders, glitter skulls and pumpkins

P.S. I found the most wonderful handmade Halloween costumes on Etsy that I can’t wait to reveal to you all come the big day! Check out Inbal Carmi Studio if you’re looking for some whimsical and beautiful costumes for your kiddos!

Halloween deer costume © Inbal Carmi Studio
Halloween deer costume © Inbal Carmi Studio
Halloween peacock costume © Inbal Carmi Studio
Halloween peacock costume © Inbal Carmi Studio
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  • Mon

    beautiful like always ! give me a little bit of your creativity .. do you know Argentina ??
    Big kiss !! Chau

    October 13, 2017 at 11:21 am Reply
  • Barb

    The best decor I have ever seen for Halloween! You are so creative. You seem to do anything extremely well that you set your mind to doing. As for simplifying your decor, I simplified Christmas years ago and love spending more time with my people.

    If you won’t listen to me about writing a book, write a script, produce a show, any of which could be loosely based on your life and I would laugh as hard as the revival of Will and Grace (see scene with magnets in Jack’s pockets; I was roaring with laughter). I was laughing out loud at your “slapped myself right across the face” and “get it the hell done list.”

    I always love seeing your email in my in box.

    October 13, 2017 at 11:36 am Reply
  • Julie

    I absolutely love this! Everything is spot on 🙂
    Hugs from Canada

    October 13, 2017 at 12:19 pm Reply
  • Liz B.

    I have to say that I really enjoy seeing different aspects of your house. I am loving your front door! Have you ever thought about doing a vlog showcasing the different architectural designs of your house? I probably watch the spaghetti vlog at least 3 times because I was so taken with the curvature of your countertops. I’d love to hear how you decided on these interesting design choices when you were building.

    Thanks for sharing another great post!

    October 13, 2017 at 12:34 pm Reply
  • Sandra Oranje

    Love those colors Katie. And the wreath, just simply stunning! We don’t do much Halloween in the Netherlands but you gave me some great ideas for autum wreaths. Without the spiders
    ❤ from the Netherlands

    October 13, 2017 at 12:35 pm Reply
  • Marie

    Miss Katherine! I love your spooky wreath and share your overzealous aspirations in decorating for the season haha. Also I just wanted to say that it was incredible getting to meet you when you and your husband were here in Fort Collins! When you stop by next time, you will have to come visit me at a new pie shop and restaurant opening, “Ginger & Baker!” I will be making pastries there. Can I also mention that the video of you with your son while Josh was playing Christmas music on the piano, warmed my ❤ and made my day. PS “27 Dresses” is my favorite movie of all time… “50, wow!” Haha
    Thank you for making my day!

    October 13, 2017 at 2:03 pm Reply

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN! FUN AND CREATIVE with just the right amount of SPOOKY!

    October 13, 2017 at 2:29 pm Reply
  • Justine A.

    I love the wreath and the other decorations. Thank you for the inspiration.

    October 13, 2017 at 4:29 pm Reply
  • Tiphaine

    Wouahou that’s incredible. You have a real gift for creation. There is a french expression to do this: “You have fairy fingers”. So many détails et beautiful things.
    I follow you since 2 years and yours talents and way of life enchant me.
    Thanks for share your home ^^

    October 13, 2017 at 4:36 pm Reply
    • Linda Galasso

      Bonjour Tiphaine: I would love to know how to say your expression you said to Katie: ” You have fairy fingers”. Can you please tell us how to say it, en français? Merci beaucoup!


      November 3, 2017 at 5:44 am Reply
  • Tracy Davis

    Lovely! I really enjoy your blog and especially your spirit!

    October 13, 2017 at 10:18 pm Reply
  • Christopher Pace

    Wow that looks great! Btw I miss you on Grey’s Anatomy!!!!

    October 14, 2017 at 2:28 pm Reply
  • Udi

    My first time following someone’s blog, and I’m glad its yours.
    Happy to watch you with your entusiasm,the same one that characterizes you in your wonderful films.
    Love from Israel.

    October 14, 2017 at 4:35 pm Reply
  • Karolina

    They look so nice… I wish Poland would have similar day like U have Halloween. Polish ppl see only bad things in Halloween (i dont get it) and any attemps to do good halloween party are useless – we dont feel this atmosphere. Im getting green when i see halloween posts. But still this looks soooooo nice…

    October 14, 2017 at 7:00 pm Reply
  • Gurtej Matharu

    That wreath is AMAZING!! I am definitely going to try making one 🙂

    October 14, 2017 at 7:19 pm Reply
  • Antonia lutz

    Looks great I love the wreath

    October 15, 2017 at 7:13 pm Reply
  • Mayza

    Sooo nice. I love to see all this combination. Halloween its my favourite holiday. I cant wait to see what ur gonna do in Christmas. 🙂

    October 15, 2017 at 8:30 pm Reply
  • Amanda

    omg, I’m your super fan Katherine, I always try to keep up with your work and I’m really addicted to your talent! I also love to accompany a little bit of your life here, and I must say: your family is absolutely wonderful. Amazing your creativity, thanks for the inspiration, I would love a post about travel, do you like to travel? Which places do you indicate? And which ones would you like to visit? I must say, here in Brazil you are adored! kisses and hugs!(and sorry for my bad english) ❤

    October 16, 2017 at 2:37 am Reply
  • Ligia Rosa

    I love it

    October 16, 2017 at 2:40 pm Reply
  • caroline

    can we come over for a craft party! beautiful ideas and execution!

    October 16, 2017 at 3:05 pm Reply
  • Monica

    OMG I love this decorations!!! Simple yet amazing!! I’m so gonna copy all of it
    Thank you for sharing your creativity

    October 23, 2017 at 9:31 pm Reply
    • Katherine Heigl

      Awesome! So glad I could help inspire your Halloween decor!

      October 27, 2017 at 7:10 pm Reply
  • Cindy Curtis

    Love your blog!
    Do you mind sharing with me what platform you use? I’m looking to start my own blog and recsearching different blog platforms to use.

    October 28, 2017 at 12:27 pm Reply
  • Anne Grete Martinussen

    Happy Halloween to you – and your family! ❤

    October 29, 2017 at 3:46 pm Reply
  • luis edgardo castillo contreras

    Hermosa familia querida la Aprecio mucho Te Quiero Amor

    October 31, 2017 at 10:04 pm Reply
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