
7 Ways to Make Each Day More Heavenly

Flowers On A Bike
In a world where being connected is everything, nurturing the connection we have with ourselves is often an afterthought. Here is a coveted self-care secret: a heavenly lifestyle starts with creating heavenly days.

Cultivating a set of joyous rituals and following them religiously keeps us grounded in gratitude, intention and happiness. As a writer, filling my daily routine with cherished habits feeds my creative process. These seven little luxuries are simple but elevate everyday living dramatically, and will make your daily grind absolutely heavenly.Continue Reading

Sacred Spaces

In the last couple of years I have made a conscious effort to find ways of connecting with myself, the heavens, and the universe around me, so that I might be more present in my life. Things got a little crazy there for a minute with all the giant life decisions I was making and the day to day responsibilities that were piling up. Like getting married, starting a family, building a home and the ups and downs of a career I’ve been building since I was eight years old.Continue Reading