Just like last year I wanted to do something crafty and meaningful for Mother’s Day and managed to find some fantastic ideas on Pinterest (of course) that I figured would be easy, fun, useful AND meaningful! Perfect! Well…you’ve all heard the Pinterest fail stories right? This craft story has a happy ending, but a pretty rocky beginning! Continue Reading
As my delivery day approached I started obsessing over what to bring with me for my two day hospital stay. I have never ever had to be hospitalized (thank heavens) and really had no idea what to expect. I’ve never been a big fan of hospitals, who is really, and the thought of being stuck in one of those tiny, hard beds in a tiny, airless room was completely stressing me out. My obsession with what to pack was my way of calming my nerves and controlling the only things I could control. Making sure I had everything I’d need to be as comfortable as possible.Continue Reading
When I was little, too little to fight back, my mother made me wear a Halloween costume that gives me nightmares to this day. Not because it was scary, but because it was absurd and totally humiliating to wear! It was a large brown bird costume she sewed herself from a pattern that she still insists was meant to be Tweety Bird. My sister, who was forced to wear it first, and I have repeatedly told her it was in fact the chicken hawk. Ah Halloween, such fond memories. In keeping with tradition I too have begun making my children’s Halloween costumes, though I try not pick patterns that will humiliate them for years to come. I may have to throw a chicken hawk into the mix just once though. According to my mother it’s character building.Continue Reading
July 4th has always been a big holiday in my family. We gather, we eat, we celebrate and we revel in the sweetness of summer and all that it entails. Up in Utah July 4th marks the true, we don’t have to worry about frost or waking up to a late spring snowstorm, start of summer. This year was an especially hard, cold and snowy winter so we are truly grateful for the longer days filled with suntans and outdoor activities this July has brought us. Continue Reading