Baggage: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey

In the seven months since Joshua Jr was born I have managed to slowly but surely drop my pregnancy weight with only 10 pounds left to lose. I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I’m not gonna lie, I had moments of sheer panic that I’d never be able to lose it all. I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn’t possible for me. Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up. At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body’s needs and trust my instincts. About ten days after Joshua Jr’s birth I got back on the scale to see where I was at and how far I had to go.Continue Reading

DIY Baby Food

Adalaide feeding Joshua Jr.
I started making my own baby food with Adalaide and not only loved knowing exactly what was going in to the food that I was feeding my baby but kinda enjoyed experimenting with combinations of fruits, veggies and grains to see what she liked best. Adalaide has been a picky eater from the moment she started eating solids so she wasn’t really my best customer. To this day if I put a bowl of delicious homemade mac and cheese in front of her she’ll lean over and smell the bowl before taking a hesitant bite. As if she’s afraid I’ve slipped something unsavory in there! Maybe my baby food experimentation scarred her for life…or maybe she’s just a REALLY picky eater! Anyway, I’ve pulled my blender back out to start making Joshua Jr’s food now that he’s ready for solids and am so relieved with how much easier he is to please! I gotta say it really takes the pressure off!Continue Reading

Rest Assured Indeed!

I first heard about the Owlet from a casual Pinterest search of baby nurseries I was indulging in long before Joshua Jr was even a thought in the Universe. I knew I wanted to expand our family and have more children I just didn’t know how or when that would happen; but, the not knowing didn’t stop me from planning and dreaming. Hence my search for nursery ideas and inspiration that took me to finding out all about the Owlet. My first thought was that I wished we had one when Adalaide was just a 4 pound 11 ounce newborn who we woke up every five seconds to check on when we first brought her home. We were so terrified of how small and new she was. Truly petrified that every pause in her tiny snuffles and grunts meant that she was not breathing. Continue Reading

Delivery Day Essentials!

As my delivery day approached I started obsessing over what to bring with me for my two day hospital stay. I have never ever had to be hospitalized (thank heavens) and really had no idea what to expect. I’ve never been a big fan of hospitals, who is really, and the thought of being stuck in one of those tiny, hard beds in a tiny, airless room was completely stressing me out. My obsession with what to pack was my way of calming my nerves and controlling the only things I could control. Making sure I had everything I’d need to be as comfortable as possible.Continue Reading