
Toronto Adventures: Planta Restaurant

Family food time at Planta Restaurant
Eating has been one of my favorite activities here in Toronto. We have had some truly delectable meals out and I’m loving the easy access to amazing food living in the city affords us. Where we live in Utah there’s no Postmates, Doordash or Uber Eats. We can’t even get a pizza delivered to the house so I’m forced to cook more nights than not. Usually I love the process and creativity of cooking but I have to admit that I’m really enjoying the little respite living in Toronto has brought me from grocery lists, meal plans and clean up!Continue Reading

Baggage: My Postpartum Weight Loss Journey

In the seven months since Joshua Jr was born I have managed to slowly but surely drop my pregnancy weight with only 10 pounds left to lose. I gained almost 50 pounds during my pregnancy and I’m not gonna lie, I had moments of sheer panic that I’d never be able to lose it all. I had hoped to only gain 25-30 pounds like my mother during her pregnancies but found that just wasn’t possible for me. Despite starting my gestation out on a pregnancy friendly meal plan and hiking my butt off 5 days a week my weight kept creeping up. At a certain point, probably around 4 months I gave up the struggle and tried instead to respect my body’s needs and trust my instincts. About ten days after Joshua Jr’s birth I got back on the scale to see where I was at and how far I had to go.Continue Reading