
My Favorite Baby Finds: Part 1

Joshua Jr. celebrating his first birthday with cake
I love baby stuff…I mean I really, really love it. When Josh and I were expecting Naleigh I spent months researching everything from the best diaper wipes to the safest car seats and I was no different with Adalaide or Joshua Jr. There’s just something about spending hours online perusing everything baby that amps up the excitement for and soothes some of the anxieties about your little ones arrival. At least it does for me! For those of you who would rather not spend the wee hours of the night online comparing baby wipes and car seats I’ve decided to share my favorite must haves with you. Hopefully my extensive list will save you time you may not have and worry you can not spare. Enjoy!Continue Reading

Purse to Diaper Bag: Staying Chic AND Prepared

Prada Straw Diaper Bag
At the start of summer I was super inspired by Miss Rachel Parcell and her straw purse look. I just happened to have a straw purse of my own, albeit a giant one, that I’ve had for years. Because of its size I’ve never really known what to use it for so it’s sat sadly on the shelf in my closet collecting dust. This summer though I had the perfect use for it! It’s just roomy enough to accommodate all of JJ’s diaper bag necessities while adding an element of chic to my summer wardrobe. I call that a win/win!Continue Reading