Purse to Diaper Bag: Staying Chic AND Prepared

I have a ranch up in Utah that is my little piece of heaven. We have 20 acres of perfect pasture land that is home to our nine horses, two donkeys, two goats, two mini horses, one pig, 5 cats and ten chickens.
When the dream to build the ranch began percolating, my mother (who is also my producing partner, business partner and best friend) and I talked endlessly about all our hopes for the land and what kind of ranch and lifestyle we wanted to create. We built a greenhouse and an organic garden, learned the art of bee keeping and read up on caring for chickens. Badlands Ranch (named after one of my favorite Bruce Springsteen songs that seemed inappropriately appropriate) is quite literally a dream come true.
But the truth is, you don’t need a ranch, farm, or even much land at all, to live life to the fullest. All you need is a little imagination, some inspiration and a desire to make the most out of as many moments as possible. I’ve found that the best way to be in the moment, instead of overwhelmed by it, is to have as many tips, tricks and hacks up your sleeve as possible! Here are just a few of my favorite time savers!Continue Reading