
Those Heavenly Finds: Week 5

In this weeks finds I’m featuring my favorite cozy sweater, Joshua’s favorite lovey, the best toddler bath seat ever and my all time favorite laundry detergent. Each of these things individually are fantastic but combine them and you’ve got the perfect handful of tools for creating the best most delicious snuggle time ever! Joshua Jr. is a very, very busy little man and snuggling is pretty low on his priority list. Since it’s incredibly high on mine I have devised a way to entice him into it with a little help from these four products. First I butter him up with the most fun bath time ever in his perfectly safe bath seat. Then, freshly bathed and smelling sweet I get him dressed, hand him his lovey to snuggle and throw on my super cozy sweater that smells like a bed of roses from my incredible The Laundress detergent and feels exactly like his beloved blanket. I pull him into my lap where the combination of sweet smells, cozy fleecy materials and mama’s love will keep him put for at least ten minutes of blissful snuggle time. Manipulative…maybe. Effective…totally. Worth it…absolutely! XOXO, KT

BBCare Non-Slip Safety Bath Seat
  • BBCare Non-Slip Safety Bath Seat –  I need something that will discourage little man from trying to stand up in the tub. Without a seat that holds him place bath time is a hair raising experience of grabbing his slippery arms and trying to gently wrestle him back into a seated position while he flails about slick as an eel wailing the whole time! For whatever crazy reason they do not sell the non slip bath seat/mat I got off Amazon Canada in the States. This is the next best option I’ve found: Summer Infant Baby Bathtub Seat
Barefoot Dreams CozyChic Barefoot Buddie Puppy
  • CozyChic Barefoot Buddie Puppy -These are Mr. Man’s most favorite thing in the whole world. I say “these” because I had the where with all to buy about five of them so we’re never in the catastrophic position of being without it. I keep one in the car, one in the diaper bag, two in his crib and the other safely tucked away in case one of the others goes missing. I’m a strong believer in the soothing and comforting power of a lovey. Such a strong believer that I still sleep with one of my own. His name is Josh. Just kidding, I really do sleep with a baby blanket from the company My Blankee. That may seem strange to some of you but for a gal like me who suffers the occasional bout of anxiety a soft, comforting satin edged blanket I can wrap myself in works wonders. Joshua Jr’s lovey is a giant part of why my son has slept twelve hours a night since he was four months old. I had a few other tricks that helped encourage his amazing sleeping habits but the lovey is at the top of the list.
  • The Laundress Le Labo Rose 31 Detergent – Ok, I really debated including this in my weekly finds because one 16 oz bottle is a whopping $71.00! I know…it seems crazy to spend so much on laundry detergent but here’s the thing. It smells incredible. Truly, deliciously incredible and makes anything and everything you wash with it smell incredible for weeks on end. So here’s what I do to make it meaningful. I ONLY wash very special items with it like fancy lingerie I wear on occasion and doesn’t require weekly laundering. Joshua Jr’s hand knit crib blanket my mother made for him, but only every other wash or so. Not each time I clean it. It makes his fluffy baby hair smell like a field of roses when I get him up from napping or bedtime. Once a month or so I’ll wash a couple of my favorite cozy throw blankets with it so when I cuddle into the sofa with a good book or good show I’m surrounded by it’s glorious scent. I have a thing for rose perfume so this is right up my alley and it’s potent scent lingers for days, even weeks. You only need four capfuls for a full load and if you overdo it the scent can almost be too cloying so those four capfuls are a rule to follow. I’m only 1/3 of the way through the bottle I bought three months ago so despite it’s hefty price tag I’m getting some pretty serious scent for my buck!
POL Clothing Women's Fuzzy and Soft Pullover Hoodie
  • Women’s Fuzzy and Soft Pullover Hoodie – I’m at a place in my life where I want everything around me and on me to feel soft, cozy and delicious. This pullover from POL Clothing is all that and more. It also has the added benefit of making me irresistible to my children and husband. When I have this on they all want to snuggle far more than usual, and this mama LOVES to snuggle. I use my super fancy The Laundress clothing detergent to wash it every once in awhile so it’s a double whammy when I wear it. Irresistibly soft and deliciously scented. It’s pretty much the only way I can get little man to stop his endless cruising and sit in my lap for a minute of cuddles.

Everything Under The Sun For Summer

Adalaide, Naleigh and Katherine Heigl on the beach in swimwear
I became aware of Poppys Collection after purchasing this totally adorable and durable sweat suit for Little Man from a pop up in my local promenade here in Toronto. The lady helping me in the pop up encouraged me to check out their website for more fabulous kid finds and once I did, I fell totally and completely in love with their curated list of wonderfulness. So I asked if they’d be willing to be a guest editor this month and share some wonderfulness with all of you! I just love the uniqueness of the collection and that everything is lovingly crafted by true artisans (you should all know how I feel about artisans by now!) It brings me so much joy to support small businesses, especially ones run by moms.  On top of all the good feels, I’m also getting handcrafted, unique and beautiful products to spoil my kiddos with. It’s truly a win/win.Continue Reading

Those Heavenly Finds: Week 2

Welcome to this weeks selection of Heavenly Finds, a collection of favorite clothes, accessories and beauty finds. These are just a few of my favorites…there are many many more that I’ll be sharing in the coming weeks so get ready to do some shopping! Or just browsing is perfectly fine as well. In fact I should do a little more browsing and a little less shopping myself. Oh well, I do my best. I do my best.

Women’s Sammy Knit Sneakers
  • Women’s Sammy Knit Sneakers – My favorite summer sneakers! They’re incredibly comfortable, look good with everything from jeans to summer dresses to shorts and I’m really digging the mesh detailing.
Purl Soho Two Piece Woven Bag
Purl Soho Two Piece Woven Bag
  • Purl Soho Two Piece Woven Bag – This tote is so chic and I’d love to try my hand at weaving! Plus it’s the perfect size for your weekend farmer’s market finds. Unless you have a tendency to buy in bulk like I do, then you’ll need at least four of them!
Faux Leather Moto Leggings
  • Faux Leather Moto Leggings – These are surprisingly light weight and work great even on a hot summer night. They are my go to for date nights and dinners with friends. Paired with a simple white tee, a blazer and nude heels I look put together even though I’m still wearing the comfy leggings I’ve been in all day!
OPI Gel Color Put It In Neutral
  • OPI Gel Color Put It In Neutral – Totally in love with the super nude hard gel manicure I just got! It’s a chic, clean and classic look I’ll be rocking all summer!

Those Heavenly Finds: Week 1

Welcome to my new weekly feature “Those Heavenly Finds” where I showcase all the things I’ve found that make my days just a little more heavenly. I’ll be including everything from favorite products to favorite podcasts and all the great stuff I stumble across in between. If, like me, you’re always on the hunt for unique gifts, skin care that delivers, gadgets that cut time, podcasts that inform and inspire, books that move you, shows that entertain you, and clothes that look great while still holding up, then this feature is for you! I’m hoping my shopping addiction has an upside and my picks add a little more heaven to your own heavenly days! XOXO, KT

Eminence Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment
  • Eminence Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment – With all the heavy makeup I wear on set a good cleansing and purifying mask is a must! This one from my favorite skin care line Eminence does the trick perfectly!
Silvercillin™ Liquid
Klean Kanteen Kid Classic Sippy
Seventh Generation Free & Clear Baby Wipes