My Favorite Beauty Finds: Part 2
November 10, 2017

Perfect skin has always been a bit elusive for me. Well that’s not totally true. In my early teens I had flawless skin that I totally took for granted. Then I hit about 18 and was riddled with the most persistent, ugly, cystic acne imaginable. I was totally mortified by it, but unable to clear it up no matter how many facials, tonics, ointments or creams I tried. Finally, at my wits end I succumbed to my dermatologist’s pressure to try the much debated Accutane. It did clear my acne up in about a month but left me with a pretty sensitive stomach and highly sensitive skin. I still suffer from the occasional hormonal breakout even now, and on top of the indignity of zits at 38, I’m also dealing with wrinkles. So now I need products that combat both, which seems wholly unfair to me but as the saying goes, the weather may be fair, but life never is.Continue Reading