7 Ways to Make Each Day More Heavenly

Flowers On A Bike
In a world where being connected is everything, nurturing the connection we have with ourselves is often an afterthought. Here is a coveted self-care secret: a heavenly lifestyle starts with creating heavenly days.

Cultivating a set of joyous rituals and following them religiously keeps us grounded in gratitude, intention and happiness. As a writer, filling my daily routine with cherished habits feeds my creative process. These seven little luxuries are simple but elevate everyday living dramatically, and will make your daily grind absolutely heavenly.Continue Reading

Favorite Books To Spend A Weekend With

Favorite Books To Spend A Weekend With
We’ve all heard of #FOMO but this fall BookSparks turned a new leaf and embraced #JOMO, the Joy of Missing Out. Drop your phones, disconnect from the stresses of your everyday routine and embrace those heavenly days by curling up next to the fire with our top 10 favorite reads that will warm you from the inside out.Continue Reading

5 Fun Adventures To Get Outside Before It’s Too Cold

5 Fun Adventures To Get Outside Before It’s Too Cold
Fall is almost over and before we say goodbye to the autumn magic, I’m curious to know — what did you do to make this season memorable?

Was it harvesting or land tending? Spending the brightest days in the farmhouse? Or perhaps, you retreated to a wood cabin to find peace among majestic redwoods and maroon leaves, the quiet wind howling outside whilst you slurped a fifth cup of hot marshmallow-cocoa, basking in the warmth of the fluffiest blanket near the fireplace in the company of a heartwarming romance? Doesn’t that sound like heaven?

If you found yourself stuck inside this fall, I get it and I am also here to give you some new ideas to get you out into nature before the frigid temperatures and snow move in. Finish out fall with these five fun fall adventures to get outdoors. Having tested out all of these adventures myself, I have one thing to say: it’s all about having fun and creating memories.Continue Reading