
Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String

I love pretty packages, and I especially love receiving them! For two years I went all out in the Christmas wrapping department going so far as to make every gift under the tree coordinate, much to Josh’s annoyance. I bought elaborate gift wrap online, headed to Michael’s for bags full of ribbon, and even adorned some of them with faux flowers and birds. Continue Reading


About ten years ago I was on Oprah and she surprised me with videos from my good friends ( and co-stars at the time) T.R Knight and Justin Chambers. I loved every second of both videos but was slightly embarrassed by Justin telling millions of viewers that I could burp like a truck driver. The truth is…I can.Continue Reading

Happiest Baby On The Block

When Adalaide, my youngest, was a new born I read the book The Happiest Baby on the Block by Dr. Harvey Karp. A friend had recommended it when I told her that I was struggling to sooth the baby during crying fits. Adalaide was my first experience with a new born and I had no idea how to comfort her when she was inconsolable. Naleigh came to us at 10 months old and was already past the crying fits and sleeplessness. Dr. Karp’s Calming reflex and the five S’s were the greatest gift I received as the mother of a new born. His method worked like a charm and I suddenly had a calm, content and peaceful baby! I cannot recommend his book enough and will be forever grateful for the information and knowledge he bestowed upon me! Continue Reading