Those Heavenly Finds: Week 6
This weeks Heavenly Finds are all about making travel more enjoyable, relaxing and even if you will, like a mini vacation from the madness on the ground! There are clever little drink kits to spruce up those mini airline provided liquor bottles. An incredible and absorbing story that will suck you in and make the hours in the air fly by. The coziest, comfiest of loungewear that I like to throw into my carry on and put on post take off for longer flights. A gorgeously scented facial mist to help with the dry, dehydrating air that makes my nose tingle and my skin tighten like a shriveled prune. It’s just a handful of simple things that can turn a harried, long, boring and often uncomfortable journey into a heavenly moment or two. Enjoy! XOXO, KT

- The Gin & Tonic – Have you ever been stuck on a flight and had the most limited drink options available when all you really want is your favorite cocktail to take the edge off? Well these genius little drink kits that I found at Indigo bookstore in Toronto are a long or even short flight game changer. I bought a margarita kit, old fashioned kit, champagne cocktail kit and gin and tonic kit for some of my favorite travelers. They’re small enough to fit in your carry on and include everything you need aside from the airplane sized booze of choice, to make your favorite drink. I’m a bit of a nervous flyer but the champagne cocktail kit has got me almost looking forward to my next flight!

- A Gentleman In Moscow – “By their very nature, human beings are so capricious, so complex, so delightfully contradictory, that they deserve not only our consideration, but our reconsideration-and our unwavering determination to withhold our opinion until we have engaged with them in every possible setting at every possible hour.” This is just one of many of my favorite quotes from this extraordinary book. Amor Towles’ novel is overflowing with heart, intelligence, redemption, love, beauty, history, humor and a reverence for the elegant in nature, the genteel of spirit. I can not recommend this book highly enough!

- CozyChic Ultra Lite Range This loungewear outfit (pullover and pant) from Barefoot Dreams, the same company that makes my son’s indispensable lovey, has become my new and lifelong obsession. I’m not sure there are any words to do it justice but I’ll try. After a long day on Suits in costumes that are in equal measure radically beautiful and radically uncomfortable, the silky soft bliss of this loungewear is like… a crisp fall day, a perfect martini, a fireplace lit and warm, a month’s worth of This Is Us to catch up on, your dog curled at your side, your kids making merry around you, your partner tickling your bare arm, your cool sheets when you slip into bed at night, your first cup of morning coffee…I could go on and on but hopefully you get the picture. They are HEAVENLY!!!!! Not only do they feel incredible after a long day in pinched clothing but they’re also amazing to travel in, or to bring with you on the plane to change into if like me you don’t love showing up to the airport in loungewear. They are worth every penny. And they are going to be your new obsession too. Trust me!

- Pure + Simple Organic Rose Hydrosol This facial mist smells like an English Garden full of roses with the added benefit of being all natural. It hydrates, soothes, moisturizes and calms pores and mind all at the same time. I like to mist my skin with it and use a damp wash cloth I’ve brought along to lay across my face for added skin hydration and to help with that super dry, just might start bleeding nose tingling feeling that happens 10,000 ft in the air.
1 Comment
Do you have any recommendations for luggage? Durable, stylish, and not too pricey?
December 27, 2018 at 9:05 pm