
Those Heavenly Finds: Week 1

Welcome to my new weekly feature “Those Heavenly Finds” where I showcase all the things I’ve found that make my days just a little more heavenly. I’ll be including everything from favorite products to favorite podcasts and all the great stuff I stumble across in between. If, like me, you’re always on the hunt for unique gifts, skin care that delivers, gadgets that cut time, podcasts that inform and inspire, books that move you, shows that entertain you, and clothes that look great while still holding up, then this feature is for you! I’m hoping my shopping addiction has an upside and my picks add a little more heaven to your own heavenly days! XOXO, KT

Eminence Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment
  • Eminence Hungarian Herbal Mud Treatment – With all the heavy makeup I wear on set a good cleansing and purifying mask is a must! This one from my favorite skin care line Eminence does the trick perfectly!
Silvercillin™ Liquid
Klean Kanteen Kid Classic Sippy
Seventh Generation Free & Clear Baby Wipes