
All Hallows’ Eve!

Why do these two garden fairies look like they're up to no good?

When I was little, too little to fight back, my mother made me wear a Halloween costume that gives me nightmares to this day. Not because it was scary, but because it was absurd and totally humiliating to wear! It was a large brown bird costume she sewed herself from a pattern that she still insists was meant to be Tweety Bird. My sister, who was forced to wear it first, and I have repeatedly told her it was in fact the chicken hawk. Ah Halloween, such fond memories. In keeping with tradition I too have begun making my children’s Halloween costumes, though I try not pick patterns that will humiliate them for years to come. I may have to throw a chicken hawk into the mix just once though. According to my mother it’s character building.

Naleigh and Adalaide Celebrating Halloween

Last year I decided to make the girls Halloween costumes inspired by Martha Stewart’s Madam Butterfly. I loved the idea of simple head bands, hair combs or bobby pins transformed into a crown of fluttering butterflies to sit atop my pretty girls heads. I took some liberties with the rest of the idea and got creative with a couple of leotards, some tutus and a glue gun. Naleigh is my girly girl who likes sugar and spice and everything covered with glitter. Adalaide’s more of a tomboy and loves creepy crawly creatures and superheroes like Batman. So with their very unique and wonderful personalities in mind I headed over to Michaels and picked up all the supplies I’d need to turn a couple of little girls into magical creatures for a night.

A hot glue gun, a green leotard and a bunch of plastic snakes and bugs are all I need to turn Adalaide into my idea of Mother Nature.

I ordered the leotards, tights and tutus from Amazon, my go to for just about everything! Once it all arrived I got to work gluing. There really was no craft involved in this one, just my imagination and some strategically placed faux flowers and bugs. I did run into a bit of a problem with the snakes on Adalaide’s leotard. They hung in there for awhile but by the time we were half way through our trick or treating they had begun to fall off. I realized too late that they needed a far stronger glue to keep them in place than my little glue gun could deliver. On the up side once they had fallen completely off I was able to remove the glue, wash the leotard and have the option of using it again for some new fantastical Halloween creation.

Strategically placed creepy crawlies!
I decided the bigger the better when it came to the flowers for Naleigh's costume.
And the more the merrier! I couldn't resist adding a few buds to each cuff of the leotard.
This little fella sat right on Adalaide's shoulder, looking like he was gonna leap out at us any minute.
Ants marching!
Ants marching!
All Hallows’ Eve!
All Hallows’ Eve!

It was a little tricky getting the girls into their costumes without pulling the flowers or bugs off but we managed. Once they were in I put the final butterfly crown touch on and they were ready to hit the streets of Park City in pursuit of some treats. I really loved how the costumes turned out and the girls loved the uniqueness of them. All in all it was a successful, chicken hawk free Halloween.

Adalaide Celebrating Halloween
Naleigh Celebrating Halloween
Adalaide Celebrating Halloween
Naleigh Celebrating Halloween
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  • Kay

    I love Adelaide’s creepy crawly costume and oh! Those Dimples! The Sugarplum Fairy and Mother Nature can have all my Halloween candy!

    October 17, 2016 at 11:37 pm Reply
  • Kelly Stone


    October 18, 2016 at 4:22 pm Reply
  • Judy Kiesling

    So creative!!! I just love what you did with both costumes.

    October 18, 2016 at 4:32 pm Reply
  • henriette

    it is so amazing and beautiful! it is so nice to see all with your family. so nice when there wil be pics of your baby 🙂 looking forward to see your christmas 🙂
    have a blessed day

    October 18, 2016 at 5:45 pm Reply
  • Lolly

    Love it I really do… I love how close you are as a family as most celebrities do not do what you do.
    I am looking forward to seeing how you grow as a family once baby boy is born.

    October 18, 2016 at 5:59 pm Reply
  • Shelley Viestenz

    Your girls are both truly beautiful.

    October 18, 2016 at 6:10 pm Reply
  • Lucille Layne

    The costumes are original, adorable and innovative! Your daughters are precious ! It has been a thrill being able to connect with you.

    October 18, 2016 at 7:01 pm Reply
  • Sandra

    I loooove these
    costumes!!!! Your mom is right about home made ones. They are so unique and creative. However, depending on the mom’s taste it could be your worst nightmare! You are one cool, talented mom! When the girls grow up they will see the pictures of their costumes and they will feel so loved by the work and dedication you put into them.

    October 18, 2016 at 9:10 pm Reply
  • Monica

    Super adorable

    October 19, 2016 at 2:39 am Reply
  • Linda Guiffreda- Baker

    Such lovely sisters walking together like charming fantasies on earth–why, it’s the yellow frosting on the cake!!!

    October 21, 2016 at 1:53 pm Reply
  • jovana

    So adorable! Love this site, and love you.

    November 4, 2017 at 12:24 pm Reply
  • Hatice

    I just wanted to say that, you are my idol. You are the reason why I want to adopt one day. I always had it in mind always wanted to, but after seeing your story of how you grew up and how you decided to start a family has inspired me, and now I am certain about adoption. I only hope to be as amazing as you are with my family one day in the near future. You are amazing and i really love you and your family. You guys are my family goals. I hope you see this. Love you and your amazing family.

    January 19, 2018 at 4:38 pm Reply
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