In My Knitting Basket This Month

Katherine Heigl and yarns from her knitting basket
I recently walked into a lovely knitting store while in Jackson Hole WY and got totally carried away as I so often do among piles of beautiful fibers. The crisp temperatures in Jackson had me gravitating towards the chunkier yarns and cozy fall patterns. I also happen to love projects that knit up quick and can be done in one rogue afternoon while binging my new favorite show. With my time spread so thin these days I’m in need of quick and easy craft projects and these patterns were exactly what I was looking for. So with out further ado, here is what’s in my knitting basket this month.Continue Reading

Delivery Day Essentials!

As my delivery day approached I started obsessing over what to bring with me for my two day hospital stay. I have never ever had to be hospitalized (thank heavens) and really had no idea what to expect. I’ve never been a big fan of hospitals, who is really, and the thought of being stuck in one of those tiny, hard beds in a tiny, airless room was completely stressing me out. My obsession with what to pack was my way of calming my nerves and controlling the only things I could control. Making sure I had everything I’d need to be as comfortable as possible.Continue Reading